March 6, 2020 / admin / 0 Comments
Play Online Roulette in 2020
Many players know that turning a roulette wheel is all about luck and coincidence. While online roulette play is very easy to learn and requires little skill, there are a number of roulette strategies and tactics that can be used to increase the chances. This table game is very popular which is partly due to the high payout of up to 36 if you’ve placed a bet on one number and the ball in the wheel matches it.
The purpose of online roulette is for players to try to predict in which area of the wheel the ball will fall as soon as it comes to a stop. They place the bet based on their own predictions or where they think the ball will end up. Payouts will vary according to the payout table often shown on the gaming table itself.
The Online Roulette Table
The online roulette tables look the same as in the Holland casino. Only now you can see them through a virtual room or at the live casinos through a camera. The areas inside are arranged with 36 numbers. The numbers are arranged alternately from red to black from 1 to 36. There are also bets where you bet on a whole dozen or an entire column or odd and even numbers. There is also a 0 or 00, depending on the variant.
When you start playing, you can place as many chips as possible over the entire playing field (if the betting limit allows it). Then click on the ‘spin’ button and the wheel will start spinning. The odds can be calculated by subtracting 0 or 00. If you would bet on one number, it means that you have a 1 in 35 chance that it will fall. By betting on multiple numbers at the same time you can increase the chances that your number will fall.
European and American Online Roulette
The difference between european and American roulette is the number of zeros on the playing field. The American version will show double zeros and the european roulette game uses a single zero. Sensible or experienced roulette players will choose the version with a single zero confirmed because they know the house has less advantage over the player. We therefore recommend that you choose this form yourself.
People often have the impression that online roulette is a game of luck and chance. There are plenty of strategies to come up with that will instantly increase your chances of winning. There are plenty of game strategies described on the internet that, if you use them wisely, you will notice change right away. It can also increase the excitement because you become more involved in the game and you know exactly what you are doing.
You’re now ready to try your luck at one of the online roulette casino websites. Experience the excitement and enter the glamorous world of online roulette gaming.
The 4 Other Types of Online Roulette
Why play on one roulette when you can also try your luck on all 8 at the same time. Multi-wheel roulette offers a gambling table while you can choose from a number of roulettes that you can activate or deactivate per spin.
For the extra adrenaline on your roulette game you get by playing against other casino players. Multi-Player Online Roulette lets you choose from a spinning time of 20.40 or 60 seconds, offers 5 places around an elegant gambling table, allows you to see the stakes of other players and finally gives you the chance to spin the beautifully finished wooden wheel of fortune for a luxurious looking environment.
Enjoy a lot of extras when playing Microgaming’s Premier Roulette. It features special 2D and 3D features. You can customize your table by choosing from 1 to 6 roulette and table options. Choose to see the winning details, select your playing speed and activate the zoom function for a close-up look of the ball after every spin.
French roulette is the forerunner of dollarpean and American roulette and has small differences. The wheel is central in the middle of the table and there is a layout on both sides. Even though the numbers on the wheel vary from black to red, the numbers and betting options of the layout are completely red. Moreover, playing French roulette is as easy and profitable as other roulette games.
Strategy: Double in Case of Loss
With this strategy you bet on a single chance (also called an even-bet), this means you bet on red or black (or even or odd). This strategy is often referred to as the Martingale-Progression system and has been used since the 18th century!
This strategy is about always betting on the same colour, and if you lose you double your bet, and when you win you start again with your standard bet. Below is a simulation of using the Martingale system, where the standard bet is 1 dollar, and you lose three times in a row.
bet: $1 on red – loss, total loss of $1
wager: $2 on red – loss, total lost $3
wager: $4 on red – loss, total lost $7
bet: $8 on red – win: $8 profit, before that lost $7, total $1 profit
This may seem like a lot of work to do it all for 1 dollar profit. But when you realize that you can make these 4 bets within 30 seconds, it turns out that there is a lot to win with roulette.
It’s important to know that this strategy has its limitations. For example, if you lose a number of times in a row, your bet will increase considerably and if you don’t have enough money to double, this strategy will fail. In addition, roulette tables always have a limit, a maximum that you can bet. This table limit can often be circumvented by moving – if necessary – to a table with a higher limit.
Theoretically, it’s possible to lose, for example, 10 times in a row, this odds are small, 0.13% to be precise, but it’s really possible.
Cold and Warm Numbers
Cold and Hot Numbers If you played roulette online 100 million times, theoretically each number would have fallen as many times. If, on average, a number has fallen less often than other numbers, then this is considered a ‘cold’ number. With roulette, it is always indicated what the cold and warm numbers are.
A strategy is to always bet on cold numbers, because one assumes that a number must fall.
This strategy sometimes seems to work, although statistically each probability is independent of the previous ones. In other words: the ball does not remember which numbers have fallen and which have not. If you really want to win with roulette, we don’t recommend using this strategy. Nevertheless, it is a nice strategy to try out.
Every Betting Opportunity Has the Same Chance
If you bet on a color in roulette, you win your bet once, but if you bet on a number, you win as much as 35 times the bet. Of course, the chance that you predict an exact number is smaller than the chance that you predict the color correctly. We now ask ourselves: with which bet do I have the best chance of winning?
We do this by calculating for each bet option how much you will win back on average.
Bet on color: 18/37 = 48.65% chance of doubling your bet. Win: 2 x 48.65% = 97.30%
Bet on number: 1/37 = 2.70% chance of winning 36 times your bet: Profit 36 x 2.70% = 97.30%
Bet on a column: 12/37 = 32.43% chance of winning 2 times your bet. Win: 3x 32.43% = 97.30%
Conclusion: Statistically, it doesn’t matter if you play on a color, a number or a column. Everywhere on average (i.e. after a lot of turns) you make the same amount of profit.
What you bet on therefore depends more on the strategy you follow. For example, if you only have a limited budget for a limited number of rounds of play, you have a greater chance of winning if you play on a colour.
How to Win with Online Roulette
Everyone plays roulette to win, of course, and I hope that thanks to these strategies and tips, you can win roulette too! Of course, if you don’t know the rules of roulette (anymore) all the time, it can’t hurt to check out the rules of roulette too!
Winning roulette is fun, but make sure it remains a game. Never bet more than you might want to lose. Even if you play the best strategy, you can always lose.
Play Roulette for Money Now
In online casinos it is possible to play roulette for money. Deposits can easily be made via mastercard or Credit Card. The advantage of this is that you will see all of your money credited to your account within minutes of your deposit. Play online Roulette for Real Money by choosing a casino form our Top-List.
Why Should You Play Roulette Online?
You can of course go to a land based casino with your friends or buddies. Have a nice man’s evening and go out without your girlfriend or wife. The downside to this is that you all have to meet up and drive on. A gamble is always fun, that’s the great thing about playing roulette online, you can do it any time of the day. You can cut yourself off from everything and take some time for yourself.
Online Roulette is an exciting game to play. It gives the same excitement you experience when you’re in the casino. Especially if you play live online you will experience that thrill of a physicist.
June 28, 2015 / admin / 0 Comments
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January 26, 2015 / admin / 0 Comments
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October 29, 2014 / admin / 0 Comments
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October 2, 2014 / admin / 0 Comments
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